Astral Projections – A New Look at Twi/Human Hybrids (FFG SW)

© 2018 Disney/LucasFilm Ltd.

Hybrids of various Star Wars species have been a staple of the franchise for years. The first Canon hybrid, the dancer Rhystáll Sant, appeared in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, and earlier Legends/EU sources featured others. Only a few besides Rhystáll are currently Canon.

Last December, I presented stats for a Twi’lek/Human Hybrid species. But the amazing finale of Star Wars Rebels changed things up with the introduction of Jacen Syndulla, son of Kanan and Hera. So, I am printing a revised version to account for one of Dave Filoni’s latest contributions to the SW universe. Since I was updating, I also took into account the look of Twi’lek Je’daii Hawk Ryo (Dark Horse Comics’ Dawn of the Jedi graphic novels). After looking over my original mechanics, I opted to not make any changes. But I did make some changes to the fluff text, and for convenience both fluff and crunch are below.

Instead of using those stats, some GMs may wish to use either the official Twi’lek stats or consider them one of several “near-human” species that are close enough to Humans that they have the same stats. The FFGSW team seems to prefer unique stats for many near-human species, such as the Pantorans (Endless Vigil), and even Humans from a given planet/sector, like the Corellians (Suns of Fortune). However, I feel that simply addressing any differences in the fluff is a reasonable alternative, especially for unofficial stats for your own games. Yes, even though I enjoy doing species and beast write-ups, I am a big fan of reskinning.


Twi’leks are found in almost as many parts of the galaxy as Humans, and many Humans find Twi’leks attractive (and the reverse is true). Thus, it is unsurprising that some of these unions, short- and long-term, bear fruit. The terrible reality of the Twi’lek slave trade no doubt results in other Twi/Human births.

Physiology: Twi/Human hybrids may have a Twi’lek phenotype, usually with shorter lekku. Skin color for a person with the Twi phenotype is often a “mosaic” of the Twi’lek ancestral coloration as a base with mottling of the human parent’s. Their eyes are often an unusual color for one or both of the parent species, such as pink. However, they may also have typical Twi’lek or Human coloration. A few even have some head, facial, &/or body hair.

Other Twi/Human hybrids have a more Human phenotype. Some of these closely resemble full Humans, including skin, eyes, and hair all in the Human range of colors. Others may have one or more of those features in a color more typical of the Twi’lek species (e.g., green skin or even hair) or unknown in either species.

Society: Twi/Humans, particularly those raised with/by their Human parent, come from a much wider variety of cultures than full Twi’leks. They may have been raised in a traditional Ryloth clan culture or in just about any Human culture. Hybrids who closely resemble their full-blood kin may run into beings who assume they fit Twi’lek stereotypes such as being manipulative, criminal, or (in the case of women) “easy/available.” Or, full Twi’leks (especially very conservative ones) might be shocked if these hybrids don’t act in accordance with Twi’lek cultural expectations.

Homeworld: Twi/Humans may hail from nearly any world with significant populations of both species. They are less likely to live on Ryloth, as Humans aren’t common there. Likewise, they are seldom found on Coruscant and other Human-dominated Core and The Colonies worlds–certainly not during the Imperial regime–especially if they cannot “pass” as Human. (The deeper levels of Coruscant are an exception.) Most are found in the Mid and Outer Rims.

Language: Twi/Humans speak both Basic and Ryl, in general. Those with lekku often learn Lekku signing as well. Of course, a hybrid lacking lekku will not be able to “speak” Lekku–although it would be a mistake to assume a Twi/Human without lekku cannot understand that language. Note that someone raised by a single parent, exclusively or primarily, may not know the other parent’s language(s), or have only a smattering.

Life in the Galaxy: As with full Humans, Twi/Humans may be found nearly everywhere (except The Colonies and closer in) and in nearly every job. Especially in heavily Pro-Human eras they are not likely to hold high positions or be better off than middle class. In Hutt Space and lawless areas, they can be found in criminal trades, including slavery, as perpetrators and victims alike. They may gravitate to the Rebellion/Resistance or seek out training in the Force.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at

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