The Workshop – The Thorn Wolf (DND 5e)

Art by Kekai Kotaki from Guild Wars 2

This is a creature that I’ve had kicking around in my head for quite a few years now that I finally got down on paper in a way that I’m satisfied with. The core concept was to create a creature that draws life from the earth. I’ll admit, my reading of the Iron Druid chronicles probably helped to bring this concept back to the forefront of my mind when I was thinking of new pieces to put together. 

Thorn Wolf (CR 3)

The Thorn Wolf is a creature that is born of and bonded to the earth in a special way, allowing it to draw power and energy from it. The stories say that as long as such a creature is in contact with the ground, it cannot be truly killed. The only way to ensure it dies is to make sure it cannot draw power from the ground. And at over 350 pounds, that is no mean feat.

Created, not Born. These creatures do not come about naturally. Instead, they are created through a special process, typically when Druids or other guardians of nature need additional help in protecting a place. The rituals to create such a bond between a creature and the earth are not exactly secret, but they are time consuming, and finding a creature that has the proper temperament and intelligence to survive the transition is easily the most difficult. Thorn creatures created from other beasts do exist, but the wolf is the most common animal that is capable of surviving the ritual intact.

Forest Guardians. The Thorn Wolf is typically used as a sentinel or guardian for a shrine or sacred site within a forest. They make ideal guards as that they are able to draw their sustenance directly from the earth and thus do not need to leave the site to hunt. They can also use the earth’s energy to keep themselves alert and awake, and do not require sleep. Their connection to the earth ties them to that particular area, and they will not leave it. The magic of the earth ties them to it – good news for those that mistakenly stumble across a ruin they were defending.

Pack Leaders. It is rare to find more than one Thorn Wolf in the area. Their connection to the earth makes them keenly aware of the presence of other creatures that have undergone the same ritual and makes them fiercely territorial. There are legends that speak of the first two Thorn Wolves still locked in an endless duel hundreds of years after their creation, neither of them able to drive away or kill their opponent. However, mated pairs have undergone the transformation before without ill effects. They are also known to draw regular wolves as well as other sometimes disparate creatures in their attempts to protect their territories.

Below you will find the 5th Edition stats for the creature. Below that is a link to a full PDF for you to use. 

Thorn Wolf

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Ben Erickson

Contributing Writer for d20 Radio
Mild mannered fraud analyst by day, incorrigible system tinker monkey by night, Ben has taken a strong interest in roleplaying games since grade school, especially when it comes to creation and world building. After being introduced to the idea through the Final Fantasy series and kit-bashing together several games with younger brother and friends in his earliest years to help tell their stories, he was introduced to the official world of tabletop roleplaying games through the boxed introductory set of West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying Game before moving into Dungeons and Dragons.


  1. I like this a lot! It’s an interesting way to implement the mythological Antaeus, and a fight that makes the PCs really think to beat it.

    • Thanks! I really wanted to come up with a different way to overcome the regeneration than simply “deal this type of damage” that we commonly get with monsters that have it. I get why they’re designed like that, but this will force them to fight yet a different way.

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