The Workshop – The Juggernaut Golem (D&D 5e)

Juggernaut by J. Scott Campbell, character owned by Marvel Comics
Reaper Miniatures Stone Golem – 77171, sculpt by James Van Schaik

We’re coming at you this week with some mini inspiration. Some… minspiration perhaps? I dunno, I’ll work on that portmanteau. I recently did some retail therapy at one of my nearby FLGS that sells the Reaper miniatures and picked up their Stone Golem figure (see image for details). After giving him a quick paint job last night and adding some detail after work today, I was hit with an idea that was a twist on the classic stone golem. Instead of the golem that plods into battle relying on magic to keep its foes nearby, how about one that maneuvers around the battlefield to get into a prime position where it can lay down the hurt on targets by charging in and knocking it prone? The stat block remains largely the same as the classic stone golem – I gave it a few more hit dice and the triceratops’s trampling charge ability. then I gave it the new Juggernaut ability which prevents its speed from being lowered and lets the golem ignore the effects of difficult terrain on its movement. Finally, I swapped the stone giant’s Slow ability for a 1 round Hold Person effect that can let the golem line up another devastating charge. As always I’ve included a direct link to a PDF of this creature below. 

Juggernaut Golem

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Ben Erickson

Contributing Writer for d20 Radio
Mild mannered fraud analyst by day, incorrigible system tinker monkey by night, Ben has taken a strong interest in roleplaying games since grade school, especially when it comes to creation and world building. After being introduced to the idea through the Final Fantasy series and kit-bashing together several games with younger brother and friends in his earliest years to help tell their stories, he was introduced to the official world of tabletop roleplaying games through the boxed introductory set of West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying Game before moving into Dungeons and Dragons.