The Workshop: Reshk – Trandoshan Skip Tracer

Trandoshan from Star Wars Galaxies


Species: Trandoshan
Career: Bounty Hunter
Specialization: Skip Tracer
Duty: Counter-Intelligence
Any good Rebellion needs the ability to locate and silence assets that have been turned so that they can limit the damage these kinds of people can do. Reshk excels in finding people that don’t want to be found.  
Motivation: Underworld Connection
The Alliance was put into contact with Reshk by a mutual acquaintance when the need to track down a target with minimal fuss became a need. He freelanced on several more assignments before becoming more and more entangled in the Rebellion’s case.

Brawn 3
Agility 1
Intellect 3
Cunning 3
Willpower 2
Presence 3

Skills: Brawl 1, Negotiation 1, Perception 2, Skulduggery 1, Streetwise 1, Underworld 1, Vigilance 1
Talents: Good Cop 1
Abilities: Regeneration (whenever Reshk would recover one or more wounds from natural rest or recuperation in a Bacta tank, he recovers on additional wound. He does not recover one additional would when receiving first aid or medical treatment from a character, or when using a stimpack. Reshk can regrow lost limbs as well, though it usually takes at least a month before the limb is usable), Claws (Reshk’s Brawl attacks have the following profile [Damage 4; Critical 3; Range {Engaged}])

Wound Threshold: 15
Strain Threshold: 12
Soak Value: 4
Defense: 0|0

Equipment: holdout blaster (Ranged [Light], Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Stun setting), heavy clothing, datapad, hand-held commlink, 2 pairs of binders, restraining bolt, 2 stimpacks, 1 dose of synthskin, ration pack

Background: Reshk is a persona non grata among his people. He wasn’t interested in slaving and could care less about keeping score for his hunts. The physical act of the hunt was all that mattered to him. And so he found himself forced to the edges of Trandoshan society at an early age before leaving his home planet altogether when he was old enough. His skills led him right into the seedier part of the galactic underbelly as he found his skills useful for the bounty hunting trade. It was here that his proclivities towards bringing his quarry back alive whenever possible along with his professionalism set him apart.

His professional life was changed when he was introduced to a man who claimed to be working for the Rebellion. They had need of someone who could find those that didn’t want to be found, and Reshk was recommended for the job. A rebel Asset had been turned and was secreted away somewhere awaiting Imperial debriefing. They needed to know where so they could either recover the Asset, or make sure he didn’t talk. He found the person in question, and while the Rebellion was not able to extract him, he was on the Rebellion’s radar. The more missions he takes from them, the more he sees the value in what they are doing.

Design Notes:  Reshk was written from a one-shot that I played in on May 4th this year (at the time of writing this article, the game hasn’t yet taken place, so I don’t know how well the character plays), and is very different from the type of character that I usually play. I tend to lean towards more combat savvy characters, so a character without a lot of combat ability is a strange concept for me. Still, I really, really liked the Skip Tracer when I first saw it, and as the character started coming together in my mind, I wanted to play it more and more. (I’ll alsssso admit to wanting the excussse to ssspeak with sssssome ssssibilancccce during the game.)

Mechanically, this character is designed to take full advantage of the things that the Skip Tracer does well – locate targets that don’t want to be found and bring them back. He can also hold his own in a dustup should he find himself in one, though once blasters are drawn, he’s more apt to find another way to contribute. This character build could also couple well with the Marshal specialization from Far Horizons.

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Ben Erickson

Contributing Writer for d20 Radio
Mild mannered fraud analyst by day, incorrigible system tinker monkey by night, Ben has taken a strong interest in roleplaying games since grade school, especially when it comes to creation and world building. After being introduced to the idea through the Final Fantasy series and kit-bashing together several games with younger brother and friends in his earliest years to help tell their stories, he was introduced to the official world of tabletop roleplaying games through the boxed introductory set of West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying Game before moving into Dungeons and Dragons.