Rogue Squadron- Resistance Sampler

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In

MG-100 StarFortress “Vennie” (Resistance Conversion Kit) (72 pts) (I2)

While you defend, if the attacker is in a friendly ship’s Mobile Arc, you may add 1 Focus result to your roll.

  • Device- Proton Bomb (Resistance Conversion Kit): Bomb, Charge: 2
    • During the System Phase, you may spend 1 Charge to drop a Proton Bomb using the 1 straight template.
    • At the end of the Activation Phase, this device detonates. When this device detonates, each ship at range 0–1 suffers 1 Crit damage.

RZ-2 A-Wing “Blue Squadron Recruit” (RZ-2 A-Wing Pack) (32 pts) (I2)


REFINED GYROSTABILIZERS: You can rotate your indicator only to your Forward or Rear arc. After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost or Rotate action.

  • None

RZ-2 A-Wing “L’ulo L’ampar” (RZ-2 A-Wing Pack) (39 pts) (I5)

While you defend or perform a primary attack, if you are stressed, you must roll 1 fewer defense die or 1 additional attack die. 

REFINED GYROSTABILIZERS: You can rotate your indicator only to your Forward or Rear arc. After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost or Rotate action.

  • Talent- Heroic (Resistance Conversion Kit): While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.

T-70 X-Wing “Ello Asty” (Resistance Conversion Kit) (57 pts) (I5)

After you reveal a red Tallon Roll, if you have 2 or fewer stress tokens, treat that maneuver as white.

WEAPON HARDPOINT: You can equip 1 Cannon, Missile or Torpedo upgrade.

  • Configuration- Intergrated S-foils
    • Closed: Adds White Barrel Roll, White Focus -> Red Barrel Roll
      • While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is not in your Bullseye Arc, roll 1 fewer attack die.
      • Before you activate, you may flip this card.
    • Open: Before you activate, you may flip this card.
  • Talent- Heroic (Resistance Conversion Kit): While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.


Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

I put this list together in order to try out the new Resistance ships for 2.0. The bomber is a completely different ship from 1.0. I never really saw the point of them in 1.0, but now they live up to the name of StarFortress. With the removal of 360 arcs, this thing is as close as you can come. With the ability to drop bombs our your back, bow-tie the sides and a forward arc, you’ve got every angle covered. All behind 12 health makes it a chore to kill. Vennie even more so with his ability to add a free focus result on defense if the enemy is in a mobile arc. Notably, it says friendly ship which includes himself. Additionally, the A-Wings only have mobile arcs now so they make good escorts.

Speaking of A-Wings, their new mobile arc adds an interesting new dimension. I haven’t really exploited in much in the games I’ve played but having the option of running and shooting behind them has forced some choices on my opponents. And myself as I’ve flown against them some too. Beyond that though, they’re A-Wings and can die pretty fast. I like L’ulo though. It’s pretty easy to decide if you want your A-Wing to be stressed and get that extra attack. At I5, he has a reasonable chance of arc dodging many things, which frees him up from caring about losing the green die.

The T-70 plays pretty much the same, though I didn’t take advantage of their optional weapon slots with this build. I did face a Poe with HLC though, which can wreck face if you’re not careful. I do really like the change to Ello. Being able to get that white T-roll even if you have some stress makes a major difference. Though, I’m still ambivalent to T-rolls in general. S-loops are far superior IMHO.

A good tactic for this list is to bait your opponent with the StarFortress. It can handle some hits. Flank them with the other ships. If they ignore the bait and come after the A-wings or Ello, then they have to try and chew through 12 health later in the game when, hopefully, they have fewer ships. A StarFortress can melt pretty fast to concentrated fire but if its only facing 1-2 ships, it’s got several rounds of life in it.


I originally flew this list with Tallissan instead of the Blue Squadron Recruit and the bomb. But her ability feels so useless most of the time. It also feels bad when a I5 A-wing dies in one hit but an I1, not so much. Plus, having a bomb on the bomber opens a lot of doors. You could push this idea further and drop L’ulo down to a Blue as well, freeing up seven more points for upgrades on the StarFortress or the X-Wing.

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Wayne Basta

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