Rogue Squadron- Heroes of the Resistance

Copyright Fantasy Flight Games

Special announcement out of FFG today for May the Fourth: Heroes of the Resistance expansion pack coming this fall. Now, normally we don’t repeat news announcements but a couple of upgrades revealed in the announcement sparked some exciting possibilities.

The first thing that struck me was the new title for the Millenium Falcon.  With this you effectively gain the ability to make three speed S-loops. While very cool all by itself what really jumped out was that combing this with the Kanan crew card you get white S-loops.

Both the title and Kanan trigger after a ship completes a maneuver. When two events occur at the same time you get to decide which one goes first. So in this case, you complete the white three soft turn maneuver, trigger the title and turn around, then gain a stress. Next you trigger Kanan. He allows you to clear a stress after completing a white maneuver. The title gave you a stress but it didn’t make the maneuver red so he still works.

Copyright Fantasy Flight Games
Copyright Fantasy Flight Games

The other title also jumped out as having some nice implications. While not officially spoiled in the article itself, the Black One title is clearly visible in the promo image. This title reads:

T-70 X-wing only. Title. After you perform a boost or barrel roll, you may remove 1 enemy target lock from a friendly ship at Range 1. You cannot equip this card if your pilot skill is 6 or lower.

At first this seems so-so. Keeping ships at range to each other is limiting, especially after they boost or barrel roll. But the key word is “a friendly ship”. Not “another friendly ship”. That means this title works on yourself. This means a ship with this title is immune to one target locks from anything with a lower pilot skill. And if you put it on the new PS9 Poe, making him PS 11, that’s pretty much everybody. You could even combine it with Expert Handling to clear two target locks.  Omega Leader s going to hate this title.

The other big take aways from this announcement are more speculation as most of the upgrades are only half visible. One appears to be Smuggling Compartment and gives the YT-1300, and maybe the YT-2400, the Illicit upgrade slot. Another looks like it might be an Illicit that allows the ship to take the SLAM action. And one Tech upgrade might allow you to take actions when you have a stress by moving the timing of when you check for stress.

Overall, a lot of cool things coming in this pack, most of which we can only speculate about.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.

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