Kickstarter Korner – Young Adventurers Live Play

My husband and I have two kids, now college age, who are second generation RPGers. (Also video, board, and card gamers.) They have been playing PRGs since elementary school. My son is now a familiar figure at GamerNation Con and has joined my longtime Skype RPG group, even GMing once in a while. Meanwhile, his younger sister is happily playing D&D 5e with a group of her friends. It’s so wonderful when your kids decide to follow in your footsteps, isn’t it?

And today is an even better time for family-friendly gaming than 13+ years ago. Lots of RPGs aimed at adults and teens lend themselves to younger players, such as D&D, Star Wars, and Mutants & Masterminds, with a little thought to themes and threats. Plus there are more gaming goodies aimed at the younglings now, from Witch Girls Re-spelled  (which I hear is among the RPGs with a Potterverse variant) to My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria.

Now, with your support, there can be even more kid-friendly gaming goodness. “GM Dave” Villegas and “GM Chris” Witt, 2 hosts of the longrunning ENnie winning Order 66 podcast, are among the masterminds behind Young Adventurers, a potential hour long weekly live play show where experienced GMs run Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars and D&D 5e RPGs! I talked with one of the creators recently, who told me that “kids watching kids play” is a new trend in live play, which is great! Why should we gamer-parents have all the video-watching fun?

In addition, parents and their kids can learn about the way kids think, how to run games for younglings, coping with disappointment, and so on. From the kids, not just adults with experience GMing this group. Sounds like a really fun plan to me! There are both players and GMs in the lineup already. Well-known D20 Radio GMs GM Chris and “GM Brev” Tanner will be running the games, and I have been told that there are 2 families who have asked to have their children be on the show.

So, Young Adventurers is well on its way to becoming reality–but I did mention YOUR help is needed. How? Producing a show like this requires equipment the creators don’t have–yet–which is where you all come in. They do have a Young Adventurers Kickstarter set to fund on September 30, 2018. So far, halfway through the campaign, they are at about 10% of the $3,000 goal, with pledges starting as low as $5.

What do you get? Besides, of course, a quality live play, by an experienced team of gamers, that you can watch as a family? At the $12 tier–Dice! Pretty dice! We all need more dice, especially those of you introducing your kids to the hobby. Higher level rewards include tees and RPG books. And not ones that have been out for a while–these are upcoming releases! Each level also gets you credited. If you want to hear more about Young Adventurers, there will be a video coming out this Friday, Sept. 21, 2018.

Now, GamerNation, let’s step up and make Young Adventurers a reality. We want and need a Next Generation of gamers! Make it so!

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at

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