Force Wizard – Deadly Reputation SA (Warrior Career)

Deadly Reputation (DR) is the second Warrior Signature Ability (SA). It acts as a kind of debuff for your enemies. This is for Warriors who don’t have to prove themselves to anyone. Just you showing up will dismay and rattle potential opponents. Totally fitting for a high XP PC.
And unsettling opponents to the point they can’t easily affect you is what basic DR does. Spend  2 Destiny Points as an incidental to up the Difficulty of any checks against you by one. This lasts until the end of your next turn and there’s no range limit!
The upgrades form two separate open circles. The left begins in the top center with Deadly by Association, which extends DR’s basic effect to your allies. Linked at left is one of the three Durations, each adding +1 turn. Linked below DbA is Add Setback (15XP), adding +1 Setback to any pool affected by DR. Linked left of this is Increase Effect. Did you wish the SA upgraded checks against you? Here you go!
The second circle starts in the top center right with another (10XP this time) instance of Add Setback. Linked off its right is Duration #2. Linked below that Add Setback is the Destiny upgrade. To Destiny’s right and linked to it is the third Duration upgrade. (Oddly labeled “Increase Duration” due to an edit miss.)
What to buy? We have another where they are all worth the cost – and unlike Unmatched Ferocity – you won’t end up slipping closer to the Darkside with auto-Conflict points on top of those from your actions. I would start with Deadly by Association, to protect your allies, so they can help and protect you, or because it’s right, depending upon your Morality. Note that if you want “complete sets” of Add Setback and Duration, you’ll have to invest in both circles. Same if you want both Destiny and Increase Effect. Feel free.
What Specializations? As I said in UF, this is the SA for Warriors who don’t want to rely on sheer brutality, including the Affably Evil. Some players may feel it’s the only option if they are into playing Lightside (near-)Paragon PCs – likelier with a Colossus, Shii-Cho Knight, or Starfighter Ace than the other Warrior specs. DR’s debuffs give you the advantage of being The Big Bad@ss in social as well as combat encounters. And giving that advantage, via Deadly by Association, to your minions and (temporary?) allies can only advance your schemes, if you like the Darkside.
It’s especially appropriate for Starfighter Aces of any Morality score, of any faction in Galactic history, since the best of these develop strong reputations inside the piloting community and beyond. (Plus, Unmatched Ferocity is focused on engaged range combat, not usually a pilot’s forte.) Just imagine the hapless Baron Valen Rudor (Star Wars Rebels) leading an Imp squadron against Wedge Antilles’ Rogue Squadron of Star Wars Legends fame…
Next month, we finish up the F&D SAs with the Jedi Career’s one and only, Peerless Interception. Until then, May the Force be with you always!
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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at

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