Astral Projections – Hybrid PC Creation Method for Cyberpunk RED

©2020 R. Talsorian Games
  • Cyberpunk RED (CPRed) is a fun game and I enjoy not only playing it, but creating PCs and NPCs. There are three methods presented in the core book (“Fitted for the Future,” pp. 71-105)
  • Complete: The full, point-buy method, which is combined with funds to purchase all weapons, armor, and gear.
  • Edgerunner: A faster method than Complete, that uses limited point-buy, but with much less choice in both Skills and equipment.
  • Streetrat: These are practically pre-gens, with almost no customization beyond one or two gear choices.

All methods are pretty easy to pick up, and all use the Lifepaths (my favorite part of CPRed character generation). However, Edgerunner- and Streetrat-generated PCs with the same Role will be quite similar mechanically. Cookiecutter, when using the Streetrat method. Frankly, the only times I can see using Streetrat is for players new to not just CPRed but RPGs in general or perhaps for a pickup game.

Edgerunner and Streetrat both use the same set of Skills for each Role. The only difference is that you get to decide the number of points allocated to each Skill with Edgerunner, and have a handful of points to spend on any Skill. The two methods also share the same Role equipment lists. Determining Statistics/STATs (ability scores) is similar. Both use a random chart, one for each Role, plus a d10. (See pp. 73 and 77 of the core book.)

Experienced RPGers, particularly those familiar with any version of Cyberpunk, will most likely want more customization than Edgerunner offers, which means using the Complete method. It is time-consuming, but will give you a character that is as unique in mechanics as its Lifepath.

My alternate method is a hybrid of the three methods. Mostly, it’s the Complete method from the core book, with streamlining from the other two. First is generating the ten STATs, which are between 2 and 8. Complete gives you 62 points to spend at the recommended Starting Character level. But, you probably won’t get an array that’s much different from the random arrays possible with Edgerunner and Streetrat STATs charts, unless you go for an Extreme Dump Stat/s build. Even then some chart arrays have one STAT as low as 3.  So why put in extra time and effort? I just roll for a STAT array on the appropriate table.

What about selecting Skills? This is something I am willing to spend time and math on. Why? Skills are a great way to individualize a PC. But there are 70+ Skills in CPRed, which means a lot of winnowing down. I use the Streetrat Role/Skill templates (pp.86-87) as a starting point for Skills and Ranks, to give me an idea of what a competent starting PC can do, especially if I have never played that Role. Then I remove and add Skills to fit the concept.

Example: Kaze is a Nomad PC AV-4 pilot in a Trauma Team campaign and does the art on his clan’s vehicles. The Streetrat/Edgerunner Nomad Skills include Animal Handling and Wilderness Survival. I don’t buy those (Kaze isn’t likely to know much about either, being from a city-based clan) and free up points for the Pilot Air Vehicle and Paint Skills.

What about cyberware, weapons, armor, and gear? That’s 100% Complete method. Because a Night Market shopping spree is one of the most Cyberpunk parts of character creation, not to mention almost as fun as running the Lifepath.

Hybrid C-gen Steps
  1. Choose Role.
  2. Run the Lifepath
  3. Randomly determine STATs with Streetrat or Edgerunner table.
  4. Point-buy Skills per Complete method. Optional: use Streetrat/Edgerunner Role list as a guide.
  5. Buy everything (and Chip In!) per core book, pp. 104-5 and 117
  6. Select Role Ability options, if you haven’t already done so.
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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at

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