Rogue Squadron- Obligometer- Addiction

We all have obligations. To family, friends, work or even just ourselves. Big or small, we all owe someone something, even if that someone is ourselves or our own desires. Obligation is a part of life…

Your party finds itself on a Mid-Rim world. You’ve just made a big score and have a cargo hold full of loot. You head off to the local watering hole to celebrate before looking for a merchant the next morning.

The GM brings up the cantina band music from Episode IV and you all do some light RP as you plan your next move. Some of the goods are, undoubtedly, illegal and you wouldn’t want them to sit in your cargo hold for long, lest some nosy Customs agent come along for a look. You’re just beginning to settle on a plan when the GM begins to describe the cute Twi’lek waitress who has been serving you drinks. It seems, she’s been looking your way with a suggestive smile all night.  Can you resist her charm?

Your party members shake their heads; they know what’s coming. But you, sir, are an excellent roleplayer. The GM gives you a wicked smile as he describes how you have an uncontrollable desire to abandon your party and go talk to the pretty girl. You know you’re going to have to face it; you’re addicted to love.

Alas, poor Romeo. He chose the Addiction Obligation at character creation. He described himself to the GM as a sweet talking, charming lover of a person. He’s addicted to love, something he tends to find in every port. As Romeo gets up to head over to the Twi’lek, the party members all groan. This usually does not end well for them.

While Romeo sweet talks the Twi’lek, the GM begins to tell you a sob story about how she’s cautious around men, ever since her ex-boyfriend, Bubba, threatened her. As you get more and more drunk, she tells you about her poor sister, sick with a terrible disease. She would get a better job, but her ex-boyfriend again, is also the boss and he won’t let her find better work.

As you talk, the GM calls for a Cool check. He hands you some more Challenge dice and, because you’ve been drinking, a few Setback die. This one will be tough.

Success! You’ve resisted the girl’s charms and notice what she’s trying to do. Your wallet is safe.

Advantage! You are a good listener. Should you decide to Charm the girl, you’ve got some Boost die coming your way.

Triumph! They call you Lover Boy for a reason. Not only did you catch onto the girl’s manipulations but you charmed her into going back to your place instead.

Failure! You only just met the girl and you’re already head over heels. Of course you’ll follow her outside into the dark alley. Alone.

Threat! Uh oh. Looks like Bubba hasn’t taken it very well that his girl’s chatting with someone as handsome as you. Here he comes and with his bouncer in tow.

Despair! You poor, lovesick boy. You don’t remember anything after leaving the cantina. Aside from assuring your friends that you’ll be fine, they shouldn’t wait up. The next thing you know, you’ve woken up in a bathtub full of ice, you’re naked and there’s a new incision on your stomach. Looks like your party will need to spend most of the money they made from the last score buying you a new set of kidneys.

Addiction as an obligation can open a lot of interesting doors for good roleplay and new directions for the story. While spice is a strong draw for those living on the Edge of the Empire, there are lots of other types of addictions to explore.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.

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