Champion’s Spotlight #2 – Catti-Brie

Last time we looked at the first of the “Core 12” Champions in the Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms game, Bruenor Battlehammer. This week we’re going to instead take a look at one of the Champions that was available to be unlocked in the first year of the game by playing through their monthly events – Bruenor’s adopted daughter and another member of the Companions of the Hall, Catti-Brie.

Copyright Codename Entertainment

Catti-Brie serves a dual role in Idle Champions as both Support and DPS. She’s a strong attacker in her own right with the ability to score powerful critical hits against the enemy which makes her follow-up attack more effective. But she also has the ability to mark enemy targets, increasing the damage that she and her allies deal against them and even stunning them for a time if they suffer enough damage. Below is my interpretation of her as a CR 6 NPC. She would be a challenging enemy for a party to make, especially since she doesn’t travel alone. While she can absolutely lay out some serious hurt by herself, like Bruenor she works best with a team that she can support and vice-versa. All of this would make her a very powerful ally for the PCs to win over or a very dangerous foe for them to cross.

Created with the D&D 5th Edition Statblock Generator
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Ben Erickson

Contributing Writer for d20 Radio
Mild mannered fraud analyst by day, incorrigible system tinker monkey by night, Ben has taken a strong interest in roleplaying games since grade school, especially when it comes to creation and world building. After being introduced to the idea through the Final Fantasy series and kit-bashing together several games with younger brother and friends in his earliest years to help tell their stories, he was introduced to the official world of tabletop roleplaying games through the boxed introductory set of West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying Game before moving into Dungeons and Dragons.